Zenith Medical, Inc. specializes in providing value to surgeons through quality products at low prices. The Endosac TM Seamless Specimen Collection Pouch is the first of these products. The Endosac is extremely strong and its circular open mouth allows for easy access while inside the body. Additionally, Endosacs reduce the risk of infection to the patient and save the surgeon time.
Endosac was developed for today's cost conscious environment. The list price of an Endosac Specimen Collection Pouch is $27.50.
Zenith Medical, Inc. Endosac is a trademark of Zenith Medical, Inc. Notice: Always read product labeling/inserts for complete
instructions, warnings and restrictions!
10064 Mesa Ridge Court, Suite 218
Diego, CA 92121
(858) 535-0216
(858) 535-9715 fax